If some one ask, what is the difference between a conventional programmer and a skilled programmer? your answer would be quite straight forward. Obviously the quality of the code which the skilled programmer wrote is far better than a typical programmer. When it comes to quality codes, the word "Design Pattern" often arises. What is a design pattern? Well, in software design, now and then again we came across same kind of problems. As time goes people thought of coming up with some sort of solutions to those reoccurring problems. Today, we coined these solutions as "Design Patterns".
Since there are millions of web pages which describes what are design patterns I think this is enough for the intro.In this series of posts, instead of the theory and other highly technical stuff, what I will focus on is how we adopt these design patterns to real world scenarios. At the end of the day that is all matters whether you are a Software Developer, Engineer or Tech Lead. Am I correct? I think so :)
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